Feb 18, 2011

ExeterBay is Green

Here at ExeterBay, we employ many green initiatives including our "ExeterBay Bags." These are environmentally-friendly, fully recyclable brown bags that contain shredded paper and are used to cushion items for packing. They can easily be reused or tossed in the recycling bin.

Other initiatives include limiting our energy use wherever possible and recycling as much as we can. We don't put anything into the landfill unless absolutely necessary!

One of the reasons we got into this business 15 years ago was because of our belief that too much was being thrown away that was still of value to others. We always try to find a new home for items before discarding. If we can't sell it, we donate it. If we can't donate it, we try to find other uses. It's ExeterBay's way of being good to our planet. We encourage others to follow suit...

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